We bring you activities for the whole family to have fun and learn with Mona without leaving home. […]
We bring you activities for the whole family to have fun and learn with Mona without leaving home. […]
“Given the alarming situation of COVID-19, our volunteers had the opportunity to say ” I am going to go back to my country and take shelter under the blanket next to my Mum”, but they did not consider this option for a second and that is admirable.“ We speak with Alba Gómara, coordinator […]
We have organized new online courses for 2020! Next spring trainning in primatology from MONA to your home. Don’t miss this learning opportunity at a primate sanctuary. More information: cursos@fundacionmona.org […]
Image 1. The Vitruvian Man (1470). Leonardo da Vinci. Symbolic reference of humanism that places man at the center of the entire universe. “The anthropocentric vision of western society regarding the natural environment has also contributed to the current state of pandemics“ […]